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Do You Sit At A Desk For Long Periods?  If you work in an office or even work from home, you may find that you spend a large portion of your day sitting at a desk, which is not the healthiest for your body or even your mind, one of the biggest downfalls being you […]

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Osteopathic treatment is rooted in the belief that the body is an interconnected unit, with its systems and structures working in harmony. And when it comes to stress and anxiety, this interconnectedness plays a pivotal role. Osteopathic treatment involves addressing the body’s overactive nervous system, tight muscles, headaches, digestive issues, as well as joint pains.

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Nerve Compression Nerve compression is a common reason to see an osteopath. Nerves act like electrical cables, which can cause pain, tingling, and numbness when they’re compressed. Your osteopath will identify the cause, whether it’s injury or something as simple as poor posture. Nerve compression can be caused by a disc bulge pressing on the

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Physiotherapy for frailty How Can Physiotherapy For Frailty Help? If you’re living with frailty, our physiotherapist, Leon can help you navigate it. Physiotherapy will focus on managing your activity levels. With a plan customized for your unique needs, physiotherapy can help you get back to the activities you used to enjoy. During your sessions, Leon

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Suffering from Headaches? Osteopathic treatment may help alleviate your headaches by improving your general mobility, reducing muscular tension, improving blood supply to and drainage from the head and neck, and reducing inflammation. Our Osteopath. Mindy will also provide advice on posture, strengthening exercises, and stretching to assist in helping prevent a recurrence of symptoms, as

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 Prevention is the Best Medicine This is without a doubt your biggest call to action. By scheduling a regular visit with a physiotherapy clinic (even if it’s just semi-annually) you will take a gigantic step towards injury prevention. A physiotherapist will put you through a range of motions and ask the right lifestyle questions, ones

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What is the popping sound I hear during a chiropractic adjustment? You may feel and hear a popping or cracking sensations during a chiropractic adjustment. These are gases, like oxygen, nitrogen and carbon dioxide, released from your joints. Gas gets trapped in small cavities of your joints when you move and stretch. While this gas

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Deep tissue massage is the type of massage that many describe as slightly painful — but in a “hurts-so-good” kind of way.  In a deep tissue session, massage therapists use firm strokes to work deeply into the fascia and muscle tissue. Sometimes, they might also use gentler, more sustained pressure to work through knots and other

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The risk of second hand smoke to children Children are more at risk from secondhand smoke. This is because they breathe more rapidly, and their lungs, airways and immune system are still developing. Secondhand smoke can increase a child’s risk of: Babies exposed to secondhand smoke are also at increased risk of sudden infant death syndrome

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