Quitting is different for each person and everyone experiences its challenges differently. Here’s how you can help someone on their journey and show that you care.
Tips for Helping Someone Quit
- Do not judge.
- Ask them what the best thing you could do for them
- Tell your friend/loved one that you know he or she can quit for good, even if they have tried to quit before.
- For the first few days after they quit, be ready to help. They may just want to talk, or your friend/loved one may want extra help when a tough situation arises, such as a party, or a crisis at home or work.
- Offer to call or visit to check on them. Ask how your friend/loved one feels, not just whether or not they have smoked.
- No nagging, scolding or preaching—that just doesn’t work. Instead, let your friend/loved one know how much you admire them for trying to quit.
- Give lots of compliments and offer rewards for getting through a day, a week or a month without using their tobacco product. Rewards can be simple—flowers, a lunch treat, or even doing a chore for your friend/loved one around the house or office.
- Support your friend/loved one in establishing rewards for short-term and long-term milestones reached. Offer to make their favorite meal or pick up doing their chores while they relax.
- Do things together; go to a movie or take a walk. Stay away from places where other people may be using.
If your friend/loved one is still struggling suggest they give us a call to sign up for our smoking cessation program.